Friday, July 4, 2008

Cats Dogs and artistic blocks

image courtesy of Lindsay Hunt.


anne stadler said...

Hi all, Just trying to get away from dogs and thought Lindsay's cat might be the answer ! I love all the CPM animal prints we've had rats, monkeys, flying pigs, wolves, blow flies could make a good exhibition !

michael said...

a few of the animals that hang around CPM are the result of starting the year with an exhibition drawn from the Chinese calendar. Maybe a big ex. at the completion of the cycle (12 years isn't it?)
Had another thought about artistic blockages & breathing.
drawing breath, has anyone tried it?
Do you breathe when you hug someone?

anne stadler said...

slow processing...but another thought.... it's almost like breathing and that's cleaning away clutter to make some empty creative space. As artists we are always accumulating stuff and creating more clutter while working through processes.I used to like this but maybe it would be less complicated to be a musician or yogi and do all the creative stuff invisibly..let it float off in the universe and not actually be seen. Could our artistic egos stand not being visual ????

michael said...

Thinking lately of how/if i'd draw if I was blind & how to do drawings for the blind to see.(see anne's last blog)
Also, appropo 'artist block' (or, how to deal with all the bullshit that is passed off as art ) others may be interested in checking out the transcript called " The End of Art" which can be found on ARTWORKS at the ABC radio national site. (14th September, 2008)